As I sat here at my desk this morning, trying to decide what to write about, I looked over and saw one of my new creations which sparked an idea. :)
I don't know why, but I have always been attracted to Angels. No matter how hard I try to work on something new, when I see an angel pattern I am just drawn to it. I can go into a store and always wind up where the angels are on display.
My fixation started with Hummelwerk, I have quite a few pieces, but they began to get hard to find.
I then moved on to Lladro.......YES LLADRO! and of course I just had to have their Children's Nativity.....each year I would order in sets and wait almost a year to get them. I wanted them in the matte finish, which was only made once a year if that. I remember spending $80.00 on each set.
They are very carefully packed away right now, but here is what they look like
And then when my daughter came along, she started to buy the Dreamsicles for me.
Until she got older.......then she bought Willow Tree....
I look at all of them and with each Angel I own, there is definitely sentimental value.
I posted this angel ornament in my Facebook and Etsy stores the other day. I was shocked to see how many people had viewed it on Facebook. Lately my hits have not been that large, but this special little girl, certainly caught the eye of the public!
Maybe, just maybe, Angels will be popular this year....
She is made from stained warm n natural batting, river birch branches, Sweet Annie and sheet music.
Do you collect something specific? Something that when you look at it, you can remember where it came from? or does it have sentimental value or a story that goes with it?
Please share it with me :)